
I’m a retired tinkerer-hobbyist-maker with a collection of projects to share. Whether you’re enjoying some personal leisure time or mentoring your children, grandchildren, or other fortunate young people, I hope you find my information useful.

Most of my more complicated projects include downloadable instructions (pdf file) and 3D CAD models. The instructions plus the CAD file are intended to provide enough information to make a similar item. Some projects are relatively simple, but others will require varying degrees of relevant expertise, e.g., woodworking skills, electrical knowledge, etc.

CAD Programs
I created the CAD files over the years using SketchUp (.skp file), DesignSpark Mechanical (.rsdoc file), and most recently Moment of Inspiration (.3dm is the moi3d file type which I export as .stp file). You can use my 3D models to get additional details or modified to satisfy your own requirements.

The free SketchUp program can be downloaded (Windows and Mac OS 2017 versions) or used online via your browser. Note that the free version has limited file import/export compatibility support.

DesignSpark Mechanical is also free and can be downloaded (Windows OS). Registration is required to obtain a free license. Again, note limited file import/export compatibility support.

Moment of Inspiration must be purchased and is available for both Windows OS and Mac OS.

You are free to share my information with anyone for non-commercial use per the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical License.

Please note that I make no claims regarding the accuracy, completeness, or safety of the presented information.

I do occasionally check for new comments posted to my website. So if you have feedback or questions, feel free to leave me a comment or send an email to: leisurenotes.hsc.gmail.com. Sorry, but I avoid social media. Life is too short!